There is just something about a refreshing cup of mint tea that can make even the worst day seem just a little brighter. With just enough zing to delight our taste bugs, we enjoy the taste and often gain a sense of well being from settling into a favorite chair and sipping along for a time. But what truth is there to the legends of minted teas? Do they really have something about them that can raise our spirits or in general enhance our well being? Here are some of the claims made for teas with mint and what they can actually do for us.

For many years, minted herbal teas have enjoyed the reputation of providing recuperative powers to both the body and to the mind. There is no doubt that most of us find mint to be refreshing and desirable in many different ways. Many of us enjoy after dinner mints because of the way that mint can help to cleanse our palates. Quite a few of us enjoy the taste of chocolates seasoned with mint flavor when we take in a matinee at our favorite movie house. We may add a sprig of fresh mint into some of our recipes. So it should come as no surprise that we would enjoy a tea that is made with brewed mint leaves. The taste alone can help us to achieve a lighter mood. So it can certainly be said that minted herbal tea has the ability to enhance our moods, even if indirectly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/540540


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